WASHINGTON - The White House has instructed every US government department and agency to create "insider threat" programmes that will ferret out disgruntled or untrustworthy employees who might be tempted to leak the sort of state secrets recently made public by the website WikiLeaks.
MEXICO CITY - Police in Mexico City have rescued 150 ferrets from armed robbers after a high speed chase.

WASHINGTON - A case of an indoor 13-year-old house cat in Iowa who has contracted the deadly H1N1 flu while living with two flu-sick owners has fuelled concerns if the illness can spread from humans to animals.
DES MOINES, Iowa - A 13-year-old Iowa cat has been infected with swine flu, veterinary and federal officials said Wednesday, and it is believed to be the first case of the H1N1 virus in a feline.
JACKSONVILLE BEACH, Fla. - It's one thing for shoplifters to hide plunder in their pants.