NEW YORK - Toys R Us is betting that this year's hot holiday toys will take a cue from Zhu Zhu Pets, the runaway toy hit last year, by following the three C's: cute, cheap and collectible.
PORTLAND, Ore. - School officials say a custodian cleaning up a trailer at an Oregon school found 17 dead pets in a freezer, including six cats.
SAN FRANCISCO - A San Francisco commission has put off a vote on a proposal to ban pet sales to consider an alternate idea that would require pet owners to be licensed.

LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. - Pluto never had it so good: The next major attraction to open at Walt Disney World won't be for the kids - it will be for the dogs.
SAN FRANCISCO - The idea of banning pet sales in San Francisco started simply enough, with a proposal to outlaw puppy and kitten mills.
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- Frontier Airlines to let small pets travel for $75
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- Holiday Shopping Notebook: Tutus for Zhu Zhus
- Can't find the hot new toy? Blame the economy
- Battery-powered hamsters become ‘must have’ toy for Christmas 2009
- Toys R Us makes its bets on holiday toys