AP Exclusive: Activists’ video shows SC hounds repeatedly running at chained, declawed bear

Group wants SC bear hunters to call off their dogs

Next big thing at Disney World is for the dogs: Pet resort with water park and bedtime stories

pet resort

Arf, matey! Dachshund becomes real seadog as Russian owner teaches him to scuba dive

Deep sea dog: Russian teaches dachshund to scuba

Arf, matey! Dachshund becomes real seadog as Russian owner teaches him to scuba-dive

Russian teaches dachshund to scuba dive

MOSCOW — Any dachshund owner knows the feisty breed rarely backs off from a challenge, but one in Russia is taking that reputation to new heights — or depths.

Miracle spaniel survives after falling off southern England’s 300-feet sheer cliffs to sea

Flying spaniel survives 300-foot fall off UK cliff

For 65 years, Coopertown, Fla., has served as primary site for Everglades air boat rides

Coopertown, Fla.: Site for Everglades air boats

Florida python hunters bag 37 snakes in trial hunting season to remove the invasive species

Python hunters bag 37 in Florida hunting season

Swimming with turtles? Not a good idea, says report on biggest US turtle-salmonella outbreak

Largest turtle-linked salmonella outbreak detailed

CHICAGO — Two girls who swam with pet turtles in a backyard pool were among 107 people sickened in the largest salmonella outbreak blamed on turtles nationwide, researchers report.

Japanese town Taiji in film ‘The Cove’ setting dolphins free, selling some to aquariums

Japanese town in ‘The Cove’ setting dolphins free

TOKYO — The Japanese town chronicled in the award-winning film “The Cove” for its annual dolphin hunt that turns coastal waters red with blood has suspended killing the animals — at least for this week’s catch — following an international outcry.

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